In a Metal Mode

In a Metal Mode

We’re having a great time creating new art, music, and writing here in Wyoming. I have both indoor and outdoor work spaces. The light is great (got a little dark during the eclipse, but that was only a minute or two!) and I’ve been having a grand time...

Patina Party

I’m having my own little patina party, getting a big new batch of earrings, pendants and jewelry components ready to wire wrap. I’ve done lots of electro-etching on sheets copper, brass, bronze and nickle silver over the past year, marked and cut the...

Spring Flowers

I’m learning to use new software and new tools along with those honed for a while now, and the new crop this year includes Inkscape design software that is a lot like Illustrator but lots of CAD stuff in there I’m not familiar with yet.Combined with the...
Bon Voyage! We’re Off On A Polymer Clay Adventure

Bon Voyage! We’re Off On A Polymer Clay Adventure

The Polymer Clay Adventure is a fabulous year-long online retreat with 22 instructors created and hosted by Ilysa Ginsburg & Kira Slye. I’m happy to be on board, and my tutorial debuts this weekend. In 10 half hour  video segments, I  show start to finish...
A Bit of Digital Redecorating for the Polyclay Gallery

A Bit of Digital Redecorating for the Polyclay Gallery

I’m re-doing my Polyclay Gallery website pages in a new format that deals with re-sizing issues for tablets and phones, as well as addressing important SEO issues. I read that as many as 80% of people access websites through devices, and  Google also ranks sites...