helm7So much has been happening this year that while some projects get finished, they don’t always get fully documented right away…

However, the 2014 Polymer Clay Miniature Mask Swap did get made, photographed, sorted and mailed, and the 90 or so masks that I got to keep in return for mine are ready to be mounted and framed. I haven’t captioned the names of the artists from this year yet, but click here to see the 2014 masks.

We’ll be displaying hundreds of these as well as artwork from other PolyMarket Press books that I publish, when we are the Featured Artists in October at Kay Carol Gallery and Priscila Working Art Studio. KCP Gallery is found at 364 Main Street in Longmont, and we’re already making use of the great light and big tables for creating new artwork as well as framing and getting ready to display featured work from our titles.

Again, many thanks to the 36 artists from around the world that participated in this amazing swap!