
About Aunt Acid

at the beginningat the beginningAunt Acid started out as a mere wisp of an idea, insubstancial as a thought, persistant as a song stuck in the head, rattling around in the minds of her creators for many years.

Finally, they let her out.

Now she’s got ideas and opinions of her own, and she’s ready to share. Watch out, World. Aunt Acid is here and she’s asking questions….

Like a true thoroughbred, Auntie’s papers are of the finest quality.


Her origins are not obvious to the eye ,thanks to the finest of finishing schools (2500 grit) and yet they form the solid basis of her personality.

Built upon an organic foundation, her head is filled with wit, wisdom, opinions and stories, and her outlook is formed with humor that is only slightly tacky and otherwise quite dry.

Her head may have started as a butternut squash, but time, experience and white glue have given her a firm foundation.

 Aunt Acid’s beauty is based in Nature’s gifts, and then further enhanced by the Miracles of Modern Science. Click here to view all the scientific details of the Plaesthetician Arts that surround Aunt Acid like a mysterious veil revealed!!

Although thermoplastics have been in use in the fashion and manufacturing industries since the early 1900’s, Aunt Acid herself is far more modern; while not revealing her exact age, she does admit to being a product of the “Flower Power” mindset of the 1960’s.

She remembers the concerts, the Sit Downs, the  Be-Ins and the earnest, heartfelt chants of the youthful crowds–

 “Power to the Puppets; Right Arm! Right Arm!”

At least, that’s how she recalls it.

Aunt Acid comes by her theatrical streak quite naturally. Her entire family on all sides had connections with the various entertainment industries of their times. Her Mama was a diminutive star on the prestigious Vaudeville circuit, part of the well known Fingerpuppet Family Players, of whom only a scant handful now remain.

Aunty herself has ALWAYS been more than a handful, no matter whose hand. Her Dada, while no dummy, was also in The Theatre, but came with strings attached, and was often on the road. Never a word of complaint was uttered; “Mime’s the word!” as the family saying went.

As her Mama was prone to say about Auntie herself “That girl was BORN old”, and as soon as she could sit up, Aunty was On Stage and In The Public Eye. So don’t blink, now–You might miss something!